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  • sponsored
    Shopping experience at Bicester Village

    Hello !! How is it doing ? I has started my week so excited preparing a lot …

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  • Featured
    MBFWM #SomosSmartGirl at Fashion Week

    I’m back in London after enjoying another Fashion Week with magazine as …

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  • lifestyle
    Viktor & Rolf Christmas experience

    Christmas is coming and I had the oportunity to spent time enjoying an unforgettable Viktor &…

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  • outfit
    My time with Olivia Burton London

    Every moment is unique and I love to enjoy my time organizing a thousand plans! …

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  • Palais Royal

    Palais Royal

    Morning !! How your weekend ? I star this week with a new outfit at Palais Royal , one of favorite locations in Paris . I love this localization to take pictures!!  In this outfit I wore this special bomber from Flor…

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    VIDEO // Cómo me hago las ondas imperfectas

    VIDEO // Cómo me hago las ondas …

    Ya podéis ver en mi canal de Youtube el vídeo que tanto me has pedido explicando , con un sencillo tutorial , cómo me hago las ondas imperfectas!! Vais a ver como es muy sencillo , en pocos minutos consigo…

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    Tour Eiffel

    Tour Eiffel

    Morning from Paris !! Traveling to paris is always a great idea , it’s a city I love to visit and I usually go to London from here !! It´s impossible to go through Paris and not take a pic…

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    Girls Power

    Girls Power

    Hi there !! How was your Easter holidays ?? I have been in Paris and around of the French coast 🙂 you can follow my trip on social networks @necklaceofpearl and very soon I will show you on my Youtube channel…

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    Ice Cream dress
    London , UK

    Ice Cream dress

     I love this neoprene bomber in pink color and this ice cream dress that it´s very cute!!  In the coming days I´ll travel to France visiting different places that you can follow on my social networks @necklaceofpearl . Don´t miss it!! You…

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