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black dress at MBFWM

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Para acudir a mi segunda jornada en Mercedes Benz Fashion Week, opté por este vestido negro con detalle de flecos en la espalda! Me encanta este vestido porque es súper cañero y le quise dar un toque de animal print con el bolso de Tous y joyas en dorado. El sábado estuvimos sin parar asistiendo a desfiles, en backstage, maquillaje y disfrutando del KissingRoom , podéis ver todo lo que hicimos ese día en el especial #Hazalgogrande de la revista Hola  😉

In order to attend my second day at the Mercedes Benz Fashion Week, I wore this black dress with a fringe detail on the back! I love this dress because it’s super cool and I wanted to give a touch of animal print with this great Tous bag and gold jewelry. On Saturday we were endlessly attending the fashion show and parades, backstage, makeup and enjoying the KissingRoom, you can see everything we did that day in the spacial #Hazalgogrande at the Hola magazine 

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black dress at MBFWM

vestido/dress: Biombo13

bols0/bag & joyas/jewerly: TOUS

teléfono/phone & reloj/watch: Samsung 

zapatos/shoes: Christian Louboutin


Localization: Mercedes Benz Fashion Week Madrid


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